Some awesome hot, vintage pics of Salman Khan. When he was lean, mean and fuzzy. What a hot chest. And awesome face. Salman Khan's always been classically handsome. He was hot long before the over-gym'd bod.
Salman Khan
Artikel Terkait Salman Khan :
Salman KhanSalman Khan by Salamat Hussain photography.V impressed with the bravura Salman shows in shoots. as a former model and often a mus ...
Salman KhanSalman Khan shirtless of course. the little fuzz works on him. prefer salman un-waxed. ...
Salman KhanSalman Khan. pre-over gym-ing! so hot. so tan. so cute. ...
Salman KhanVintage pic but ever-so-hot. Sexy Salman Khan shirtless. As Bollywood's premier hunk who's perpetually half nude, the hotness has ...
Salman Khansalman khan shirtess and topless is old hat. even when he's in a simple vest, with that hot fuzzy chest, he's gorrrrrrrrrgeous. l ...