Director Rajamouli’s experimental film Eega is progressing at a rapid pace. Meanwhile, there has been a buzz that Kajal Agarwal is roped in for an item number in the film. Quashing out such rumors Rajamouli said that Kajal Agarwal is not part of Eega and there aren’t any item songs in Eega.
“News that Kajal doing an item number in Eega are not true. There are no item songs in eega. Just a baseless rumour,” Rajamouli informed.
Nani, Samantha and Sudeep are playing the main roles in Eega, where the story revolves around a house-fly. Eega is being produced by Sai Korrapati while Suresh Babu is presenting it. Eega has music by Keeravani, cinematography by Senthil and visual effects by Kamal Kannan. The film is being made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil versions.
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