John Abraham in 7 Khoon Maaf. You know why the movie flopped? Besides the fact it was mind numbingly boring and ill-paced, they made one of the sexiest, best looking men in India look like crap. WTF.
John Abraham
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John AbrahamJohn Abraham getting buffer and buffer every day. I don't know... he's looking a bit like an inflated gym gorilla. He was fine as ...
John Abrahamjohn abraham shirtless. shot by dabboo ratnani. always hot. ...
John AbrahamJohn Abraham shirtless. Wow. Series of shots from an upcoming film. ...
John AbrahamAs the making of DOSTANA 2 gets under war, will he don a speedo on film?! He's worn black speedos on stage and strutted before. C ...
John AbrahamIt's been a long time coming. John Abraham back to his sexy ass self. Shirtless and in the shower. Movie looks...tepid, but the s ...