The beefcake of B'wood, the very hot, Sahil Khan. the hair colour's a bit... out of fashion but the body's rocking. Hope he doesn't do more and bloat like that ridiculous looking society gym-monkey Yash Birla. Birla's the nicest guy in the world but completely myopic in his body quest 'cause from being once hot and fit, he just looks ridiculous and bloated. The cockatoo hair puff, the contact lenses, the dandy wardrobe, the puffed up chest.. omg he's the desi version of Johnny Quest. lols
Anyhoo, back to Sahil Khan. After Rama the Saviour failed to salvage his career, he's gone off films. Shame. He should stick to working on sexy films instead of childish ones. Murder 4 maybe where instead of the chick, he's the one half-naked all the time.
Sahil Khan
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