Invest. Once you've stockpiled your savings, start thinking of ways to invest it. This is where your definition of "rich" really comes in handy. If you're looking for prestige, for example, a good investment would be education. Save up enough money to attend an Ivy League school and obtain a degree in something that will make decent money but, more importantly, earn great respect (doctor, lawyer, dentist, any kind of professional). If your goal is to retire early, on the other hand, invest that money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of investment that will give you an annual return on investment (ROI) that's enough to maintain you in your retirement. For instance, if you have one million dollars invested and you get a reliable 7% ROI, that's $70,000 per year! Invest in relatively stable assets - rental properties or potential development land in steadily growing areas is a good example
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Punja Petta Dengudu
Punja Petta Dengudu
Invest. Once you've stockpiled your savings, start thinking of ways to invest it. This is where your definition of "rich" really comes in handy. If you're looking for prestige, for example, a good investment would be education. Save up enough money to attend an Ivy League school and obtain a degree in something that will make decent money but, more importantly, earn great respect (doctor, lawyer, dentist, any kind of professional). If your goal is to retire early, on the other hand, invest that money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of investment that will give you an annual return on investment (ROI) that's enough to maintain you in your retirement. For instance, if you have one million dollars invested and you get a reliable 7% ROI, that's $70,000 per year! Invest in relatively stable assets - rental properties or potential development land in steadily growing areas is a good example
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